
Without PowerView:
net user # All local accounts
net user <user>
net user /domain # All local users in entire domain
net user <username> /domain # See if he is member of *Domain Admins group in *Global group memberships

net group /domain # Enumerate Groups in Domain
net group "Domain Admins" # To find who is part of domain admins

PowerView (HeathAdams)
PowerShell -ep bypass
. .\PowerView.ps1

Get-NetDomainController # IP of DC, Name of DC

Get-DomainPolicy # Domain policies, like pass policies ,etc

Get-NetUser # All users # Sometimes password in Decription
Get-NetUser | select samaccountname # Only account names
Get-NetUser | select cn # Only usernames
Get-NetUser | select description # Only descriptions
Get-NetUser -SPN | select serviceprincipalname # Kerbroastable SPN's

Get-UserProperty -Properties pwdlastset # Last password set
Get-UserProperty -Properties logoncount # Good way to know honeypot accounts
Get-UserProperty -Properties badpwdcount # Bad password attempts

Get-NetComputer # Computers in domain
Get-NetComputer -FullData
Get-NetComputer -Unconstrained
Get-NetComputer | Get-NetLoggedon # Active users
Get-NetComputer -FullData | select OperatingSystem # OS

Get-NetGroup -GroupName *admin* # Important # Groups
Get-NetGroupMember -GroupName "Domain Admins" 
# Important # Members of Domain Admins group
Get-NetGroup -AdminCount | select name,memberof,admincount,member # Part of domain admin

Invoke-ShareFinder # For shares

Get-NetGPO # Group policies
Get-NetGPO | select displayname, whenchanged # Better output

# Get-DomainOU -> Search for all (OUs) or specific OU objects in AD.
Get-DomainOU -Properties Name | sort -Property Name

Last updated